A guide to web design

Color blindness

Color blindness affects a large number of individuals with protanopia and deuteranopia being the most common types.

About 10% of the population is color blind, mostly men.

Colors as seen by those with protanopia and deuteranopia

Color Color name RGB (1-255) CMYK (%) Hex (0-f) P D

hex color 000

Black 0,0,0 0,0,0,100 000

hex color 000

hex color 000

hex color #E69F00

Orange 230, 159, 0 0, 50 100, 0 E69F00

hex color ba4

hex color fb5

hex color 56B4E9

Sky blue 86, 180, 233 80, 0, 0, 0 56B4E9

hex color 9998b0

hex color 9f9fb5

hex color 009E73

Bluish green 0, 158, 115 97, 0 75, 0 009E73

hex color 90827f

hex color 706f6f

hex color F0E442

Yellow 240, 228, 66 10, 5, 90 0 FfE442

hex color F6Ea42

hex color Ffcfa6

hex color 0072B0

Blue 0, 114, 178 100, 50 0, 0 0072B0

hex color 505080

hex color 404070

hex color D55E00

Vermillion 213, 94, 0 0, 80, 100, 0 D55E00

hex color a89d69

hex color ca9f79

hex color C979A7

Red purple 201, 121, 167 10, 70, 0, 0 C979A7

hex color 99a

hex color aab

P and D indicate simulated colors as seen by individuals with protanopia and deuteranopia, respectively.