A guide to web design

Hex Colors

Hex colors or hexadecimal colors is one way to define colors in html (others are rgb or hsl).

Hex colors are in sixteen steps, from 0 to f (0 is the darkest, f is the lightest) and the basic colors are red, green and blue – 000 is black, fff is white, and 700 is red, 070 is green and 007 is blue in the middle of the range of values – dark to light.

The table below shows the three primary colors – red, green and blue – and three secondary colors – yellow, turquoise and violet – plus shades of gray and a series showing how the changes in the middle color, green, change the hue.

#300 #500 #700 #800 #a00 #c00#d00 #f00
#330 #440 #770 #880 #aa0 #cc0#dd0 #ee0
#030 #050 #070 #080 #0a0 #0c0#0d0 #0f0
#033 #044 #077 #088 #0aa #0cc#0dd #0ee
#003 #005 #007 #008 #00a #00c#00d #00f
#303 #404 #707 #808 #a0a #c0c#d0d #e0e
#333 #555#666 #777 #880 #aaa #ccc#ddd
#717 #737 #757 #777 #797 #7b7 #7d7#7f7

Because they are so easy to edit and make subtle adjustments to, it is better to use hex, rgb or hsl to specify colors rather than color names.